Saturday, January 26, 2013

30 Day Challenge - Day 5

I know, I know, I have kind of failed at sticking to this, but no one reads this anyway, and I do what I want.

Day 5 - Things you want to say to an ex.

I don't know...I try not to dwell on that shit, AND with my anti-social tendencies, I don't have a recent ex.  (My friend and I often joke about how lame we are hanging out at home on a Friday or Saturday night, but I am not ashamed to say that I enjoy it.  The bar scene is so not for me.)

I should probably find a way to get out more though.  All of the friends that I have here are people who I met at a job I held for two years.  A soul sucking job that I have no interest in going back to.  I don't know, I guess it probably isn't good that I don't have much an interest in going out, but maybe that should be a goal.  Find something I am interested in.  Or just finding a job could help!

So, back to the topic.  With my first ex, there were a LOT of things I wanted to say to him.  I hadn't talked to him in years and years, and often wondered about him, so I contacted his sister via Facebook and she passed on my email address to him and we began talking.  We never got together, but it was good to talk to him.  I probably should have said more to him about things that had happened, but I knew that that would just frustrate me.  He was 27 when we first dated, he is 43 now, and he really hasn't changed much.  Who knows if I ever would have said more because he met someone and said he couldn't talk to me because it was too hard.  He lives clear across the country now, so it shouldn't have been an issue, but it is.  Whatev, his loss.

Other than that, I guess I would have just wanted people to be honest with me, and not play games.  I have put up with way too much shit, and I guess that has made me guarded.  It is what it is.

I'm going to wrap this up as I am feeling that it is just a mess.  :)



Well, at least I came back before months had passed.  I had internet issues, and then I guess I just got distracted.  Shocking, I know.

I should be going to bed right now because I have to be up at early o'clock (for me anyway).  It is for a very worthy cause though!  I am going to see my my mom, my sister, my nephews AND my cousin's new baby girl who was born on 12/31/12!  (Plus the rest of her family of course!)  It will probably be ten degrees out, but hopefully there will be no ice or other weather related nonsense to deal with on the 2 hour (one way) trip.

Nothing else to report.  Still job hunting, hopefully that will work out soon!

Friday, January 11, 2013

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - Bullet Your Whole Day

  • I was at the unemployment office at 8:00.  TOO EARLY.  :)
  • Went for a walk that was much shorter than I would have liked due to a lack of sidewalks due to snow and ice.  
  • Went to the store.  How exciting.
  • Came home and was feeling kind of blahhhh, so I figured I would nap for about an hour.
  • I napped for about 3,
  • Read an entire book.  (350+ pages)
  • Went to bed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 - A Book You Love

I know, I know, I skipped a day.  Day 2's post is still a work in progress.  And I will save you smart asses the trouble, and say NO, a book I love is NOT Twilight and NOT 50 Shades of Fan Fiction.  That's all I will say about that.

A Book I Love is a little bit hard for me, because I am a total book worm.  When I was a kid I used to spend most of my money in the bookstore.  I loved The Babysitter's Club books.  (I know, not exactly classic literature, but a hell of a lot better than the mass produced garbage today.)

I think that my answer would have to be The Harry Potter books.  I LOVE THEM.  My Mom and I went to see the first movie before I had read any of the books, and I think I was kind of "meh" about the whole thing, but I went anyway, and really liked the movie.  Then my Mom bought me the first book and it sat unread for quite awhile.  I honestly don't know why I finally picked it up, but once I did I couldn't put it down, and then I immediately went out and bought the rest of them.  At that time, I think that there were maybe 4 of the books out.  I then bought the new releases as soon as they came out.  (I did not go to any crazy events or anything like that, because I am anti-social.)  I think I stayed up nearly all night reading the new releases, even though some of them were around 700 pages.  And I have read them all again and again.  I never get sick of them.

Fuck Twilight.

Fuck 50 Shades of Grey.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

Day 1 - "5 Ways to Win Your Heart"

In no particular order...

1.     COMMUNICATE.  This should be a given, but it is so not.  Act like an adult, and talk to me.  Don't play games and disappear and then say you were busy, blah blah blah, or I may disappear for good.  If I have done something to upset you, TELL ME.  I am not a mind reader.

2.  Don't be jealous.  I hate that shit.  I am not 17 years old, I have friends that are male.  The key word here is FRIEND.  I will never tell you I am single if I am not, and I expect you not to act like a child if I am speaking to another male.  That goes both ways, I understand that you will have female friends, and as long as they are just that, FRIENDS, we will be fine.  I have no room in my life for stupid jealousy.  If you aren't going to trust me, you can go.  

3.  Laugh and be able to be silly.  I guess you had better be amused by stupid shit and/or not mind that I am.  I tend to be very easily amused, and I like it that way.  I don't want to have to feel like a dork for liking what I like.  :)  (I totally know I am a nerd and embrace it!)

4. Smell good.  Seriously.  I have such a weakness for a good smelling dude neck.  But don't overdo it.

5.  Get along with my family.  They aren't going anywhere, and they are very important to me!  I once dated a guy for 3.5 years and I think he saw my family twice.  This was when I still lived in my hometown and he lived maybe 20 minutes away!  Never again.

30 Day Challenge!

I'm on a freakin' roll here! (Not that anyone is reading, but whatev.)

For inspiration I am going to do a 30 Day Challenge as follows:

I'm here!

The internet and cable were out yesterday because a squirrel apparently decided cable wires make a tasty snack, so I'm giving myself a pass for that.

Starting another new week, and not seeing much as far as job postings.  GAH.  It doesn't help that our local newspaper has about the shittiest website for job postings that I have ever seen.  Totally not useful!

In other news...there is no news.  Same shiz, different day around here.  I am going to try to get in better shape, starting tomorrow.  I wish there was a semi-easy way to hold myself accountable, but I will just have to do the best I can.  It does NOT help that my foot injury from probably 8 weeks ago still acts up.  Hopefully that will go away soon.

I have something new that I plan on trying, hopefully it won't suck my will to live too badly.  I tried Zumba, and yeah, so not my thing.  I hate dancing.

In other random news, someone sent me a message on fb the other day saying that I don't need makeup.  While I appreciate the sentiment, I wear it because I like it, and will continue to do so.  I don't mean for that to sound bitchy, but some of us just wear it for that reason alone, because we like it.  I am certainly not one of those people who refuses to leave the house without a full face.  HARDLY.  In fact, since I have been unemployed this time, I have hardly worn it, but it is an extra effort I am trying to make.  So there.

I feel like there was something else, but I can't remember, so maybe there will be an edit.  Or, maybe not.

Friday, January 4, 2013

How original

A survey.  I am so creative!  :)  Don't read it if you don't like it!

  1. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?  My closet door hasn't been shut since I moved here in August.  I have way too many clothing items, and need to work on that!
  2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?  Sometimes.
  3. Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room?  Um, yes.  
  4. Where is your next vacation?  I need to worry about finding a job before I worry about vacations.
  5. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?  Nope.
  6. Who do you think reads these?  don't know, don't care.
  7. Do you have a calendar in your room?  Yes.
  8. Where are you?  On the couch.
  9. What’s your plan for the day?  Get some shiz done!  I finally feel somewhat human after 3 days of feeling craptacular.
  10. Are you reading any books right now?  I just got a Kindle Fire for Christmas, and have several waiting for me, plus two actual books.
  11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?  probably.
  12. Have you ever peed in the woods?  Oh yes.
  13. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?  Yeah, I'm a dork.
  14. Do you chew your pens and pencils?  Nope.
  15. What is your “Song of the Week”?  I don't really have one right now.
  16. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?  Who am I to say no?  
  17. Do you still watch cartoons?  Sure!
  18. Whats your favorite love movie?  Blech. Lame.  Probably Ladder 49, if that counts.
  19. What do you drink with dinner?  Varies
  20. What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?  Ranch
  21. What is your favorite food/cuisine?  STEAK.  Or Buffalo Chicken whatever...
  22. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?  Ladder 49, Despicable Me, Harry Potter movies, Finding Nemo...
  23. Last person you hugged/kissed?  Hugged my Dad when I left on Monday.  Kissed my nephews.
  24. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?  Brownie!
  25. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?  If I had the bod for it, why the hell not?
  26. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?  no clue
  27. Can you change the oil on a car?  I can pay someone to do it for me.
  28. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?  Oh yes, and I have gotten out of a lot more.
  29. Run out of gas?  Yes
  30. Favorite kind of sandwich?  Fresh Roast Turkey.  
  31. Best thing to eat for breakfast?  Varies, but I HATE eggs.
  32. What is your usual bedtime?  Varies.  I tend to be a wicked night owl, except for lately.
  33. Are you lazy?  Sometimes!
  34. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?  Green Crayon, Witch, Clown, idk what else.
  35. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?  Yes, probably too many
  36. Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?  legos
  37. Are you stubborn?  Hahaha...oh yes.
  38. Who is better…Leno or Letterman?  CRAIG FERGUSON.
  39. Ever watch soap operas? Used to watch Days of Our Lives.  I was waiting for an oil change and it was on at the dealership.  I still knew most of the characters.  (I also had to get up and leave...that show is terrible.)
  40. Afraid of heights?  Not really
  41. Sing in the car?  Absolutely
  42. Dance in the shower?  Not usually
  43. Dance in the car?  Sometimes.
  44. Ever used a gun?  A squirt gun
  45. Do you think musicals are cheesy?  They're not really my thing.
  46. Is Christmas stressful?  NO.  I love it.  (Although I hate what it has become for the masses)
  47. Ever eat a pierogi?  Yes
  48. Major annoyance right now?  My joblessness, my sinuses, 
  49. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?  I told my kindergarten teacher I wanted to be a cowgirl.  
  50. Do you believe in ghosts?   idk
  51. Ever have a deja-vu feeling?  of course
  52. Do you take a vitamin daily?  No, but I should.
  53. Wear slippers?  I tried to, but it was irritating my stupid foot injury from two months ago.  Can't believe it still hurts.
  54. Wear a bath robe?  Sometimes.
  55. What do you wear to bed?  Wouldn't you like to know.  
  56. Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?  Wal-Mart, but I have been known to shop at all three.  (save your judgment)  
  57. Nike or Adidas?  I have Adidas.
  58. Cheetos Or Fritos?  I like both
  59. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?  peanuts
  60. Ever hear of, “gorp”?  Yep
  61. Ever taken karate? Nope
  62. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yep
  63. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
  64. Ever won a spelling bee? Yep
  65. Ever cried because you were so happy?  Yes.  
  66. Own any record albums?  I bet my mom still has some of mine from when I was a kid.
  67. Own a record player? nope.
  68. Regularly burn incense?  Never have
  69. Ever been in love?  Yes.  
  70. Hot tea or cold tea:  Sweetened Iced tea.  Like the mix stuff.  I hate hot tea. 
  71. Tea or coffee? Coffee.
  72. Favorite kind of cookie?  these cream wafer cookies my mom makes at Christmas time.
  73. Can you swim well?  Yes.  My mom used to get up mad early on Saturday mornings to take my sister and I.
  74. Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?  Yes?  WTF?
  75. Are you patient?  I can be.
  76. Ever won a contest?  Yes
  77. Ever had plastic surgery?  I saw a plastic surgeon and she used a knife/scalpel thing...
  78. Which are better black or green olives?  Green.  Black are foul.
  79. Can you knit or crochet?  No
  80. Wash room or bathroom?  Bathroom
  81. Do you want to get married?  Not really, but maybe if I met the right person.  I don't think it is necessary though
  82. Who was your High School crush?  he knows who he is.
  83. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?  Um, no.
  84. Do you have kids?  No
  85. Do you want kids?  I kind of think that ship has almost sailed.
  86. What kind of mom are you? attention
  87. Do you miss anyone right now?  of course
  88. Who do you want to see right now?  That is personal, damnit.

Good intentions...or something.

Damnit!  Once again, I have neglected and deserted the blog.  I hate that!  I guess I use FB for all my ranting and crazy talk.  (I am concerned that I am getting a bit manic sometimes, LOL.)

So far, 2013 is making me crazy.  I have been sick all week, and finally feel somewhat more normal, but my damn sinuses have me kind of dizzy/loopy.  Then the job hunt is freakin' maddening...I hate this economy.  I wish I had had a crystal ball to tell me not to go back to school and / or to go into the medical field or something.  I am so sick of looking at job ads, partly because most of the websites SUCK.  How hard is it to have a functional search feature?

I need to step away from the computer, I came home from visiting family and basically just dropped everything in my bedroom and haven't touched it since.

On that note, I think my New Year's resolution needs to be to SIMPLIFY.  I have way too much STUFF.  Easier said than done though.  *sigh*

I guess another is going to be to try and resurrect the blog, even if the posts suck.  Just write something, who cares if anyone reads!