Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am on call this morning.  They are doing a big software conversion at work, and we are all supposed to be ready to come in to work as early as 8 am.  It is now 9:10, and I wish they would hurry up and call.  The fact that they haven't likely means that something went wrong, which likely means that everyone will be stresssssssed.

I am not good at waiting by the phone.  I always feel like I shouldn't get started with anything because I will just have to leave in the middle of it.  Then again, I guess this is better than them calling us in at 8 am just to sit around for hours doing nothing...or worse "busy work".

Nothing is really all.  My back is sooooo much better, so I am very happy about that.  I just need to be conscious of it and be careful.  The chiropractor is awesome!  I am officially a convert.  I just hope my insurance company doesn't pull any more shit.  I am about to give them a pre-existing condition.

Being underemployed SUCKS.  I hate this.  I actually like my job for the most part, I just don't make enough money!  Plus I feel like they make promises they don't keep, which sucks.  I hate that, but I guess they figure they can get away with it with the economy in such a mess.  I could totally go on a rant about welfaeries right now, but I won't.

So, I am trying to think about other career options, and/or getting the hell out of NY.  Not that that will happen anytime in the immediate future because moving costs money.  It is a vicious circle.  UGH.

Blah blah fuckity.

Friday, April 29, 2011


So.  I barely started this new blog, and already I am full of fail!  Day 4 of the Photo Challenge...challenged me, then I procrastinated, then I screwed up my back, blah blah blah.

There really is not much to report.  I turned another year older yesterday, and the day was completely uneventful.  I went to the Chiropractor (which...I LOVE), and then I went to work.  Very exciting.

The back pain really kicked my ass.  I was at work last Tuesday and my back just started to bug me. I hadn't done anything to cause it, no lifting, etc.  The last time this happened, I just turned weird and it was all over for probably a week.  I didn't have a job or health insurance that time, so I just waited it out.  This time I ended up using most of my sick time for the year (BOO), but I do have health insurance.  I went to my regular doctor who gave me Ibuprofen 800 MG and muscle relaxers.  The muscle relaxer didn't seem to do much...didn't make me drowsy or anything.  The pain continued.  Trying to do ANYTHING was wicked uncomfortable.  Monday and Tuesday of this week were complete HELL at work, so Wednesday morning I called a chiropractor who got me right in.  An hour or so later, I was walking so much better, and electrical stimulation is my new favorite thing!  It is awesome.  I went back yesterday, and am going again today.  I would seriously work overtime just to afford this.

But this is probably boring...sorry about that.  Just wanted to let anyone who might be paying attention know that I have NOT deserted this blog already!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

50 Day Photo Challenge - Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

It was a little bit hard for me to choose just one, because I also LOVE CSI: NY, Mad Men, Nurse Jackie, etc., but Dexter wins out because it is the one show I NEVER MISS.  I am seriously behind on CSI: NY which is no good because there is all kinds of handsome on that show, and I can always use more handsome in my life!  ; )  I usually keep pretty caught up on Mad Men, and Nurse Jackie, but with Dexter, I feel like I have to watch it ASAP or risk spoilers.  

Do not get me started on the brainiacs who go to the Dexter page on facebook and bitch, moan, and complain about spoilers.  Common sense isn't!  Facebook is such an enabler!  It is how I started watching Dexter and how I wasted a whole year of my life on the time suck known as Mafia Wars.  The only difference is, I would miss Dexter if it was gone.  

OK, I am rambling.  It's a gift.

And I miss Boston Legal and Six Feet Under.  (The latter I just discovered last year and watched the entire series in probably less than a week...can you say obsessed?

Monday, April 11, 2011

50 Day Photo Challenge - Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and a friend you have been close with for awhile.

This is me and one of my dear friends, Mountain Dew.  Sadly, we are breaking up today.

I took this pic today, and yes, I realize I have dark circles or some shit.  My allergies have been kicking my ass and my laptop is being a bitch, so I didn't feel like messing with it.  Also, it is 78 degrees here, and my hair is having a mind of its own.  Sometimes, I just have to let it do what it wants.  It will probably be up by the time I get to work.

So, back to my breakup.  I realize I am probably cheating a bit with Day 2, but the timing was right.  Today starts the Biggest Loser competition at work, lasting 10 weeks.  So, once again, soda has to go.  I have tried to give it up before and I always fail, but I am hoping that this time I have the right motivation.  And don't say that I shouldn't give it up entirely, enjoy it in moderation, etc.  That does NOT work for me.  I need to give it up totally.  And don't suggest Diet either.  That aspartame shit scares me.  It is not like I need it anyway.

So, I think that that will be the hardest part for me.  But, I am sick of being a chub.  Thinking of things to bring to work for lunch will be hard too.  Don't suggest salad, I only like salad with a buttload of dressing.  I may try and work that in somehow, but I am also not someone who can eat salad daily.  

Luckily I have a great group of people on my team, and I really hope that we kick some ass.  I plan on taking some before pics and probably making a video later on tonight.  Do not expect to see that anytime soon though!  Maybe when I have some kick ass "after" pics to share!  :)

And now, I better get off the couch and finish getting ready for work.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

50 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

Okay, I know this is a facebook thing, but I am doing it here...because I do what I want.  Deal.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1.  Tulips are my favorite flower.
2.  I LOVE George Strait.  LOVE.  He has been my favorite since I was about 5 years old.  
3,  I am 5'10, although I swear I used to be 5'11.  
4.  RED is my favorite color.
5.  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
6.  I love a good nap and I am not ashamed to admit it.  
7.  I absolutely love music and could not live without it.  Although at certain times there are some songs I just can't listen to.  Actually, this may inspire a future blog post...
8.  I hate bad spelling and grammar and I rarely use "u" in place of "you" (or other abbreviations like that) when texting.  This is also one of the reasons I hate Twilight so much.
9.  I am a Republican.  
10.  I am curious as to how many of you are surprised by that.  I rarely get into discussions about politics though.  (This does NOT mean I am a fan of Sarah Palin...)
11.  I am a pretty picky eater, and often wish I wasn't.  I could write a whole post about foods I don't like.  I could never be a vegetarian.
12.  I have never had shrimp.  I am not eating something that looks like that.
13.  I have a weakness for men in suits.  Extra points if they smell good too.
14.  I had braces for 5 years, but now I have some weird aversion to the Dentist.  I never had a problem with them before...
15.  When I was a little kid I LOVED Anne Murray and she was the first person I saw in concert.  She waved to me and my sister and threw us a rose at the end of the show.  The dude in front of us tried to grab it, but my Mom didn't let that happen.  My mom rocks.  :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Salt and Pepper Cashews...

Are magically delicious.

Just sayin'

Old Posts Revisited

From April 04, 2007:

What’s new?
Nothing but an abundance of dumbass here.
Today’s dumbass?
The lady who called down to the front desk and said “My room is kind of cold….what do I do?”
So, I said “Did you turn up the heat?” all the while thinking no one can be that dumb.
The lady says “Oh, I will try that.”
I haven’t heard from her since.
I keep meaning to post a non-drunk NYC recap, but I obviously haven’t yet. Oh well.

From March 10, 2007:
Hi all.
Just want to bitch about a few things……
WHAT is UP with grown women calling themselves “baby girl”?  WHAT. THE. FUCK.  You are 40, you are not a baby.  Does this irk anyone else?
Also, if you are going to use something other than your name for your name on myspace, PLEASE learn how to spell it right.  use spell check, use a dictionary.  Otherwise, you will look stupid.
Unless your name really is Lucious Lips.

Also from March 10, 2007:
Can you believe that there are things that are bugging ME? It boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
First, I live in New York State. Where it is cold. The temps have been below zero, so WHY do people keep asking if the indoor pool is heated? HELLLLLLLLO? I so want to be snarky with them, but I control myself. Seriously though. Fucking Duhhhh.
Then last night there was a lady and her two kids in the lobby. The kids were wearing bathing suits because they had just gone swimming. (Yes, the pool is heated.) The automatic doors open, and all of a sudden the lady starts freaking out and then she tells me “My daughter is allergic to the cold”.

The other thing that I think is totally ridiculous is hearing that the high school I went to will no longer be having a Valedictorian and Salutatorian. WTF? More of this feel good, fuzzy, don’t harm their inner child NONSENSE. It pisses me off. And NO, I was not even in the top 10 percent of my class, so I was not one of the brains. I am just sick to death of everyone worrying about hurting someone’s feelings. Bunch of crybabies.  
The newspaper website in that town SUCKS so I can’t find the actual article, but basically it said that some of the students were “concerned” with the current system. (Which has been in place for YEARS.) The principal was quoted as saying the current system is “adversarial” and “would reduce the bitterness that comes from competing for the scholarships tied to being valedictorian and salutatorian.”

Now most people are comparing it to competition in sports, whatever. I just do not understand why people are so worried about their precious darlings having their feelings hurt. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, THINGS DON’T ALWAYS GO YOUR WAY! These same kids will probably still be living at home with Mommy and Daddy in ten years too. It pisses me off. Don’t get me started on the mentality of many of the welfaerie entitlement whores. (I realize that NOT all people on welfare are entitlement whores, but I worked at Wal Mart, so believe me, many are.) I remember the valedictorian of my class, that kid worked his ass offthrough school, he deserved it. I wasn’t insulted by it, give me a break.
Okay, I am rambling……but these reasons AND MORE are why I doubt I will ever move back there.
Now for “Things that make you go ewwwwww, or blehhh, or just generally give you the creeps, can anyone please tell me what it means to “strip membranes” on a pregnant woman? Ugh. Maybe I don’t want to know.
I guess this post is long enough for today.


So.  This is my fourth blog.  The others are still floating around out there in internet land, but I thought a fresh start was in order.

My computer is dying, I am afraid, so I am not sure how long I will be posting, and that sucks.  I have other shit I need to pay for before I can even THINK of buying a new one.  I do have a desktop, but I doubt that I will use it is slowwww and makes me crazy.  I would probably end up throwing it out the window.  Especially lately.  I don't know what my deal is, but that bitch Stress has moved in.

My job isn't too bad, even if I am underpaid and underemployed.  After being unemployed for over a year, I am just happy to have a job AND health insurance, especially since I have had to have an X-Ray and a CT Scan in the last month.  But I have to pay in on state taxes, have to pay to have my car fixed, blah blah blah.  With a heavy dose of UGH thrown in.  I should do more overtime than I do, but I like my free time.  But, how many of you have jobs where you can basically grab your iPod and zone out for the most part?  So, yeah.

So, back to the blog.  I don't really know what direction I will take it, BUT I promise it won't all be bitchy and ranty, although that can be amusing too.  To this day, I still love going back and reading my old blogs.  You will probably see repeats from those blogs, although you won't know they are repeats!

Keep your fingers crossed that this laptop holds out for a few more months!

Oh, and don't expect to see my favorite facebook word here too much, if at all.  My mother hates it, so yeah.