Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dusting off this old blog.

So, I now have ANOTHER neglected intentions, I guess.

But I really think I need to make a renewed effort at this.  Even if it is just to write a few words.  (For myself...and not worry if some dc thinks it's worthwhile...I'm not forcing you to read!)

So...anyway, lately I have been noticing that I have some serious anti-social tendencies.  I'll have tentative plans to hang out with friends, and then I am trying to think up excuses to get out of them and stay on the couch.  Which really makes no sense, because I love my friends and love hanging out with them.  Idk what my deal is.

There is also my current living situation.  I don't completely hate where I live...I have a nice apartment, although some of my neighbors are asshats, but you'll have that anywhere.  It's certainly better than when I lived on Long Island, and the only people I knew were my employees, and I couldn't really hang out with them.  The job market just sucks here, and I just don't know what to do anymore.  I have lived here almost three years, and spent the first year or so unemployed, and now I am unDERemployed, and I don't know how to change that.  I would love to move, although I am conflicted on that as well.  The thing is I love my family to pieces, but I kind of hate where they live.  I like to visit just fine, and the area is beautiful, and I am very interested in the history of it...but the people there make me seriously twitchy.  I realize that there are assholes everywhere, but at least here I don't know the majority of them, and they are therefore easier to avoid.

Moving somewhere where you know NO ONE is hard, believe me, I've done it.  This would all be made easier if my family lived somewhere that was easily accessible to an airport, but they really don't.  The closest major airports are two hours away.  That is a huge consideration when I think of the what ifs, like what if something happened and I couldn't get there.  I am so not the kind of person that would deal well with that.  So, idk...I love my nephew to pieces and want him (and his future sibling(s)) to know me WELL, not just see me once a year.  The way my situation is now, I am only about 3.5 hours away, but that drive sucks my will to live.

This is the kind of stuff that is on my mind lately and I just don't know the solution!

I need to step away from the computer and go fight my anti-social tendencies.  GO GIANTS!